The owners of the cannabis dispensary in Modesto were evicted after they refused to pay rent after which they left in a huff, causing thousands of dollars in damages.
Author: Mayur A
Breaking News In The NYC Marijuana Market!
The New York officials are announcing that applicants who had prior marijuana convictions will be first in line to receive licences to sell legal marijuana in the marketplace!
Looking Into The Origins Of The Cannabis Plant!
Even with the origins of the wild cannabis remains unknown to us till date, we can analyse it’s closest relatives in order to trace back it’s roots to find it’s ancestors!
How Can Cannabis Effect Pregnancies?
It’s a known fact that alcohol and cigarettes are detrimental towards both the mother and the foetus during pregnancies, but what effect does cannabis have on pregnancies? This should clarify everything!
Looking Into The Underlying Dangers Of Legal Marijuana
Legal marijuana has sparked a whole host of new business opportunities to start, but there’s a dark side to everything. Here are the hidden dangers associated with legal cannabis.
How Legal Marijuana Can Help The Problem With Supply Chain
With so many truckers being taken off the highways because of drug tests revealing their marijuana usage, the already weakened supply chain has been crippled. Legal marijuana can easily curb that and allow truckers back on the road!
The Reason You Can’t Quit Weed Will Shock You!
Are you someone who just can’t seem to get out of the clutches of weed addiction? Well, the reason why might just surprise you!
Dudes Smoke Weed For 24 Hours Straight!
Nope! One simply can’t overdose on marijuana and this guy’s experiment just proves that fact! Watch as this guy smokes weed for 24 hours on loop!
President Cyril Ramaphosa Calls For Streamlining Of Legal Cannabis Market
President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa proposed for the streamlining of the regulatory framework of the legal cannabis market for aiding the DAGGA industry.
2 Chainz Says He Wants Snoop Dogg To Smoke Marijuana During Super Bowl!
2 Chainz suggests Snoop Dogg to smoke some weed during his halftime performance to a higher level! Well, we saw what he did there!