Using weed for post-workout recovery is a rather common thing. However, there is a correct and an incorrect way to go ahead with it. This man talks about recovering from a workout using weed!
Author: Mayur A
Germany Set To Become The World’s Largest Market For Cannabis Products
Germany, of all places, is expected to hold the title as the biggest market for legal cannabis products. The business could be potentially worth billions.
Joe Rogan Is Entirely Wrong About Weed Addiction
Joe Rogan, like many other people in the world, believes weed is not very addicting compared to other drugs. However, marijuana is both physically and psychologically addicting, and there is a high chance that someone who is addicted will suffer from withdrawal if they try to quit.
The Scary Reality Of Cannabis Psychosis
Even though cannabis psychosis is taken as a joke and a way to stop kids from smoking weed, there is a lot of truth behind it. Cannabis psychosis can be very scary indeed.
Asking Thai People What They Think Of Cannabis Legalization
It is hard to fathom that Thailand used to heavily punish whoever was caught with cannabis. Even though personal use is discouraged, the government of Thailand has handed out over a million cannabis plants to boost the economy. But what do the locals think? These street interviews will surely shed some light on that!
California Decides To Waive The Cannabis Cultivation Tax
California’s cannabis industry is seeing some relief when it comes to taxes after California decided to remove the cannabis cultivation tax altogether.
Latest THC Edibles Law Is Now In Effect!
A law, that has been newly passed, that aimed to regulate the amount of hemp-derived THC, has ended up allowing legal adults to buy recreational marijuana edibles in Minnesota!
Post-Workout Weed: Is It Good, Or Bad?
There are many people out there who smoke weed post-workout to relieve some stress. However, is it really good for your health or not? This man talks about the matter!
First Outdoor Cannabis Smoking Space Opens In Toronto!
The first outdoor weed smoking space opened up on the Exhibition Grounds in Toronto, Canada. The company aims to move the consumption of cannabis into a safe and controlled space!
Thailand’s Story Of Completely Outlawing Drugs To Making Weed Curries!
Yep, Thailand’s 180° turn from being a country that did not tolerate drugs of any kind and administered strict punishment, to basically celebrating cannabis after legalization. Here is Thailand’s story of hating drugs to loving cannabis!