Usage Of Cannabis In Traditional Thai Food Is Back!

Thailand used to have strict laws against the possesion and consumption of marijuana, but has now legalised cannabis and is trying to go back to its roots of using cannabis in order to not get high, but use it as a condiment to lend an umami flavour to their food. Such steps are essential in […]

Mayor Eric Adams Launches The Cannabis New York City Initiative!

The first line of retail licences for the selling of legal marijuana will be available to the people of New York City very soon, and people belonging to the underprivileged black and brown communities are going to have first chances on the licenses!

New Jersey’s First Drive-Thru Cannabis Dispensary Officially Opens!

A drive-thru cannabis dispensary would have sounded like a joke a few years ago, but now it’s a reality. After a soft launch some time ago, the first drive-thru cannabis dispensary in New Jersey officially opens.